Monday, January 11, 2010

The 5 Senses of Marriage

Creative Commons License
Sewing Hearts on Sleeves by Courtney Gonzales-Jayne is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-No Derivative Works 3.0 United States License.

Today, standing at the altar-

May you always see each other the way you do today

May you always have each other's hand to hold

May you always hear the love in the other's voice


May you always find a home in the other's soul.

Today, standing at the altar-

Know nothing but joy.

(and "today" will never end)


1 comment:

kris said...

I want to argue with the person who wrote this poem.

I have been married for 20 years, and although I can see in my husband the man he was the day we got married, I do not see him in the way I saw him that day. He has become so much more to me over the years. He has become so much more real to me. He is more.

I see in him what he was. But he is more.

And if you mean that I should not have changed in my perspective?

I have changed. I remember the woman who looked at him that day. But I have become more. I do not see him as I saw him that day. I see through eyes that have seen these last 20 years. I see . . . more.

And on my wedding day?

I knew joy.

But I also knew fear and sadness and longing.

And uncertainty.

And all of those feelings have stood me in good stead this past 20 years.

Know nothing but joy?

I did not.

But I have known a lifetime of joys since that moment.

And I have known . . . more.

I love the poem.

It made me argue with the author.

That's a good thing.